key|note — «KEE NOHT», noun, verb, not|ed, not|ing. –n. 1. the tone on which a scale or system of tones in music is based; tonic. 2. Figurative. the main idea; guiding principle: »World peace was the keynote of his speech. –v.t … Useful english dictionary
key-note — n. Tonic. See key, 3 … New dictionary of synonyms
key note — tone on which a scale is based (Music) … English contemporary dictionary
key·note — /ˈkiːˌnoʊt/ noun, pl notes [count] : the most important idea or part of something Humor is the keynote of the play … Useful english dictionary
key-note — … Useful english dictionary
key note speaker — main speaker, person who is giving the primary speech (at a convention or meeting) … English contemporary dictionary
key note speech — opening speech … English contemporary dictionary
Key signature — For use in cryptography, see Key signature (cryptography). Key signature A major / F♯ minor with three sharps placed after the clef. In musical notation, a key signature is a series of sharp or … Wikipedia
key — n. 1. Lock opener. 2. Clew, guide, explanation, solution, elucidation, clavis. 3. Tonic, key note, fundamental note, first note of the scale. 4. Wedge, clamp. 5. (Mus.) Lever (in an instrument) … New dictionary of synonyms
key tone — Keynote Key note , n. 1. (Mus.) The tonic or first tone of the scale in which a piece or passage is written; the fundamental tone of the chord, to which all the modulations of the piece are referred; called also {key tone}. [1913 Webster] 2. The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
KEY — (англ., произн. ки , ключ ); подобно латинскому clavis, слово это имеет разнообразные значения: клавиша (у фп., органа и пр.), клапан (у деревянных духовых инструментов), буква для обозначения тонов (А, В, С, и т.д.), ключ, ключевое обозначение,… … Музыкальный словарь Римана